Wednesday 28 March 2012

The Human Eye Documentaries

In Blue Class this half term we have been working on a video project.

While some of the class were away on the How Hill residential trip, the ten of us who were left created a video sequence about the human eye. We combined video clips, an interview with our headteacher, and stop-frame animation to produce the video element over three days. We also selected music to accompany our videos from

When everyone else returned we worked on writing narration to tell the story. We tried to ensure our narration had a clear structure, that it helped to link the visual elements together and that it formed a cohesive piece of writing.

Finally, we recorded ourselves and combined all the elements to create the videos embedded below. There are nine videos altogether, all using the same video footage, but with different versions of the narration.

We hope you will take the time to look at some of the results of our hard work and leave us your feedback in the comments on our blog.

A playlist of all the videos can be also found in High Definition on our YouTube channel -

Playlist of our nine videos

1 comment:

  1. What a well produced and professional piece - well done!


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