Thursday 18 December 2014

Christmas Party

This afternoon's fantastic Christmas Dinner (thank you, Caroline!) was followed by the children's Christmas party. The PTFA laid on food and drinks and the children danced to some "sick beats" - I think that means they were good songs...

The snow machine was a hit as always, and Father Christmas put in an appearance to deliver presents to all the children.

All in all, it was a wonderful way to end the term. Enjoy the photos below!

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Talent Show

This afternoon saw our traditional annual Talent Show get underway. It was clear that many of the children had been preparing for their 'turn' for some time and we were treated to a range of different talents, musical, dramatic and sporting. The highlight of the afternoon was a fantastic guitar composition from one of our year five boys. Could he be the next Ed Sheeran? Only time will tell, but he certainly wowed his audience today.

Christmas Carol Service

Yesterday evening the church was once again packed for our Christmas Carol Service. The children read beautifully and our reception pupils formed the Nativity tableau, bringing a tear to more than one eye.

They sang with gusto and made us all very proud. The service helped get us all into the Christmas spirit and ready for the exciting week of Christmassy (is that a word?) activities ahead.

Thanks again to the PTFA for providing mulled wine, sausage rolls and mince-pies back at school. Your efforts were much appreciated.

Saturday 29 November 2014

Netball Success

On Friday afternoon, two teams headed off to the school netball tournament. They had worked hard in their practice sessions and after-school club, and their diligence and determination paid dividends. The teams were split into two heats with five or six teams in each. Both our teams won their first and second matches and continued trouncing the competition at every turn.

This led to an interesting final, as both Earl Soham A and B teams fought it out for the gold medal. Being so closely matched, it looked like the win would go to the B team at first, but a determined push led the A team to a 2-1 victory.

Huge congratulations to all who took part and to Dawn and Jennie for their excellent coaching. There will be photographs to follow, so come back soon to see the photographic highlights.

Mathematician of the Week

Writer of the Week

Wall of Fame

Thursday 13 November 2014

Children in Need

This morning, in aid of Children in Need, pupils and staff dressed up in weird and wacky clothes for a donation. They also laid a copper trail around the school. The day was organised by one of our year six girls, and all the year six pupils became teachers for the morning, dividing between the three classes to cook biscuits with Red Class, make and test paper planes in Yellow Class, and develop games and animations using Scratch in Blue class. It was an interesting, and enjoyable, experience being a pupil for the morning in my own class and I think the year six children learnt a lot about the need for good organisation and an ability to think on your feet!

The children were collecting up and counting the coins during the afternoon, so we will hopefully be able to announce how much was raised in tomorrow morning's assembly. 

Remembrance Day

On Tuesday, at 11am staff and pupils gathered on the playground for a two minute silence to remember the soldiers and their families. Three girls read out a touching poem that they had written, before the church bells began to strike. 

Over lunchtime, the two eldest pupils laid memorial crosses on the village war memorial. 

Friday 24 October 2014

Egyptian Homework Projects

Here are some of the beautiful pieces of homework that have been brought in to school over the past few weeks. The children have clearly enjoyed spending their time making these Egyptian artefacts and learnt lots along the way. There are also many pieces of written work on display in the classroom, so please do pop in and have a look at them all.

Mathematician of the Week

Writer of the Week

Wall of Fame

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Cross Country

Yesterday afternoon pupils in year four and above took part in the cross country alongside pupils from other local primaries. It was a gruelling, but enjoyable run and the children's determination to succeed was inspiring. We had four pupils, three girls and one boy (pictured below), who placed in the top five for their year group - a fantastic achievement! They will go on to the next round later this term. 

Very well done to everyone who took part. You were brilliant and made us very proud. 

All the photos (over 300) are shown in the slideshow below, so get yourself a cuppa!

Friday 17 October 2014

Mathematician of the Week

Writer of the Week

Wall of Fame

Interactive RE

On Thursday, pupils in Yellow Class headed over to St Mary's church for an interactive RE lesson. Reverend Brian met them there, where he "baptised" a teddy and a doll explaining that this was how people joined the family of the church. Some of the children acted the part of Parents and Godparents and others acted as the congregation.

Some children were also able to recount the story of John the Baptist baptising Jesus in the River Jordan.

Welcome Party!

Last weekend's Welcome Party was a fantastic evening of dancing, food and the occasional beverage. An opportunity for parents and children, new and old established to get to know one another, the evening was organised by our wonderful PTFA. As usual Glenn provided the entertainment with an eclectic mix of music for all tastes, and the children (and some of the adults) enjoyed boogie-ing the night away and seeing how many balloons they could pop before it was time to go home.

Thank you everyone who came to support the event and all the behind-the-scenes people who worked so hard to make it a success.

Saturday 11 October 2014

School Council Elections

Our school council elections were held last week and the first meetings have got under way. The chairman has clear plans and is very organised, with an agenda drawn up for the first meeting. Congratulations to all the candidates who succeeded in gaining a seat this year. To those who didn't, don't be disheartened. Keep trying and maybe it will be your turn next year.