Thursday 18 December 2014

Christmas Party

This afternoon's fantastic Christmas Dinner (thank you, Caroline!) was followed by the children's Christmas party. The PTFA laid on food and drinks and the children danced to some "sick beats" - I think that means they were good songs...

The snow machine was a hit as always, and Father Christmas put in an appearance to deliver presents to all the children.

All in all, it was a wonderful way to end the term. Enjoy the photos below!

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Talent Show

This afternoon saw our traditional annual Talent Show get underway. It was clear that many of the children had been preparing for their 'turn' for some time and we were treated to a range of different talents, musical, dramatic and sporting. The highlight of the afternoon was a fantastic guitar composition from one of our year five boys. Could he be the next Ed Sheeran? Only time will tell, but he certainly wowed his audience today.

Christmas Carol Service

Yesterday evening the church was once again packed for our Christmas Carol Service. The children read beautifully and our reception pupils formed the Nativity tableau, bringing a tear to more than one eye.

They sang with gusto and made us all very proud. The service helped get us all into the Christmas spirit and ready for the exciting week of Christmassy (is that a word?) activities ahead.

Thanks again to the PTFA for providing mulled wine, sausage rolls and mince-pies back at school. Your efforts were much appreciated.