Friday 6 March 2009

World Maths Day

Earlier this week was World Maths Day. We took part in a world record attempt, alongside thousands of other schools worldwide, to answer the most sums in a day. I'm very pleased to announce that the world record was smashed with an amazing 452,682,682 sums correctly completed!

59 pupils at Earl Soham contributed 16,715 correct answers to that total, spending a total of 1385 minutes on task, answering a range of mental maths questions.

Not only did we see a new world record made, but every child improved their mental maths ability during the course of the day, with an average improvement of 262%!

The children who answered the most questions, answering more than a thousand questions each, are shown below:

The two top scorers, with 44 and 43 points in a round were:

And the two children who made the greatest improvement in their scores, with an increase of 4100% and 2900% respectively were: