Sunday 16 January 2011

Bread Making

In Blue Class, over the past two weeks, we have been designing and producing our own bread. We began with some market research, visiting the Kingsmill, Hovis and Warburtons websites to view their product range. The children then used their findings to design their own loaf. We watched the TV adverts of the big three bread companies and discussed their slogans and brand identities, and the children all decided on a company name and slogan of their own.

We learnt how to write a good recipe by studying a Delia Smith recipe in our literacy lessons and then put pen to paper to write our own.

Meanwhile, each group made their first loaf using the recipes they had written and carried out a taste test. They thought carefully about the taste, texture, smell and appearance of their bread, and produced a paragraph of persuasive description to go on their packaging.

The groups also designed and produced a TV advert to sell their product. Here are a sample of their advertisements. We hope you enjoy watching them.

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