Tuesday 3 November 2009

Guy Fawkes Morning

To celebrate the capture of 'Guido' and the foiling of the Gunpowder Plot, Yellow Class spent the morning undertaking a variety of activities related to the event of 1605.

Children wrote poems...

Rockets were made...

Interactive quizes and firework safety activities were completed on the internet...

Children put the events surrounding the Gunpowder Plot in the correct order...

All-in-all, the children had a great time and learnt a fair bit about why we: 'Remember, remember the fifth of November'.


Fireworks are great to watch, but please be careful and follow the FIREWORK CODE:

Keep fireworks in a sealed box or tin

Use them one at a time, replacing the lid immediately

NEVER put fireworks in your pocket

Read the instructions carefully, using a torch or hand lamp NEVER use a naked flame

Light fireworks at arms length using a taper or firework lighter

Stand well back and NEVER return to a firework after it has been lit

NEVER throw fireworks

Keep all pets and animals indoors

Take care of sparklers, use gloves to hold them and dispose of sparklers in a bucket of water as soon as they are finished

Enjoy and stay safe