Friday 14 November 2008

Children in Need

Welcome to the first post on our new school blog. We hope that you find this a useful area to find out what has been happening around the school.

This first post is all about the dotty goings on on Children in Need day. Children arrived at school in all manner of spotty outfits (and some of the staff looked a bit odd too!). One child even went to the great effort of getting into character as a dalmation, with a full fancy dress costume.
Children brought in copper coins and we made a trail which went twice around the school corridor!

When some boys from Blue class collected all the money in a bucket at the end of the day they could hardly lift it. We would like to thank everyone who made an effort to dress up and brought in a contribution. We will let you know soon, after poor Mrs Sayer has counted all of those coins, what the grand total came to.