In this morning's assembly, we looked at 'Christingles'. Mr Pearce made one and then everyone learnt about what they actually are and what they mean (they originate from Germany about 250 years ago and stand for 'Christ's light'. Originally, they would have been made using nuts and dried fruit, more modern ones generally use sweets.
Back in Yellow Class, 27 children had a great time putting their Christingles together, whilst not being tempted to have a sample of jelly tots or dolly mixtures!
Every part of the Christingle symbolises something different:
· The orange represents the world
· The red ribbon represents the blood of Christ
· The candle represents Jesus, the light of the world
· The four sticks represent the four seasons
· The sweets represent the food and goodness provided
We briefly lit the candles - the effect was lovely.

At time of leaving school, all sweets were still intact on the sticks!