
Thursday 19 December 2013

Christmas Party!

What a great afternoon the children had today! The PTFA pulled out all the stops and produced another fantastic Christmas Party, with a super DJ (complete with snow machine), delicious party food, and a very special visit from Father Christmas.

Everyone had a brilliant time, as can be seen from the photos below.

Thank you to everyone who made the afternoon so special.

Christmas Carol Service

On Monday evening children, staff, parents, grandparents and friends congregated in St Mary's Church for a celebration of all things Christmas. The service was an opportunity to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas, and involved all members of the school community. Many children had the chance to do readings and poems, and everyone enjoyed singing Christmas songs and Carols. There was the usual offering from the staff - this year a sketch and song (I'm Dreaming of a Quiet Christmas).

A parent captured most of the service on film for us, for which we are very grateful, and this is embedded below (in three parts).

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Christmas Lunch

On Tuesday lunchtime children, staff, governors and parent helpers gathered together for a delightful meal superbly cooked by Caroline.
The highlight for many (apart from the lovely food) was the spontaneous rendition of 'Sparkle and Shine', as performed at Monday's carol service, between courses!

The Elves and the Shoemaker

This morning Red Class went to watch 'The Elves and the Shoemaker' superbly performed by the Stuff & Nonsense Theatre Company at the Wolsey Studio.
There were stunning puppets, music and surprises aplenty for a very enthusiastic audience as the story was re-told with a modern twist...

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Talent Show 2013

This afternoon saw an array of talent on show with singing, dancing, instrumental pieces, gymnastics, comedy and much more.
It was great to see so many children putting themselves forward to entertain us all whilst clearly enjoying themselves too.

Maths Investigations

This week, in maths, Blue Class have been focusing on investigation skills. The children were challenged to solve a series of mathematical challenges by working systematically, thinking through a problem and choosing the equipment they needed to solve it.

It was great to see the children experimenting with different ways of representing mathematical problems.

Even the Teaching Assistants enjoyed trying to work out the solutions!

Wednesday 11 December 2013

6-a-Side Football - Semi Finalists

This afternoon, on a beautiful winter's day, it was the turn of the football team to take part in the latest sporting competition.
Yet again the children's determination and efforts were evident as they battled their way to 2nd place in their group following a win, draw and a defeat in their three group matches. This meant that we qualified for a place in the last four against the winners of the other group, Wortham.
A strong and skillful Wortham side were given a tough test but ran out 2 - 0 winners to progress to the final.
However, all of the children should hold their heads up high. Amongst the 10 members of the squad there were 3 Year 4s, 5 Year 5s and 2 Year6s so the future is certainly bright. It was incredible to see how you have progressed both as individuals and as a team and you certainly entertained your supporters!

Animal Homes

The Wildlife Group have spent the last few weeks making homes for wildlife, out of plant pots and milk cartons. This lunchtime they chose where to place them in the conservation area. I wonder who will choose to live in a house like this?

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Christmas Craft Afternoon

Thanks to lots of hard work by the School Council, this afternoon we had a fantastic afternoon of Christmas Craft activities.

Some of the results can be seen in the slideshow below. Everyone had a great afternoon and produced some super decorations to take home.

Saturday 7 December 2013

Rock 'n' Roll Panto Trip

On Thursday afternoon Years 2 - 6 went to the Wolsey Theatre, Ipswich, to watch this year's offering of Dick Whittington. As usual the performances were stunning and included magnificent singing, dancing, music and audience participation.A great time was had by all with the highlight for many being Mr Mansell's performance having been plucked from the stage. Sadly I do not have words to describe it - better ask the children!

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Sportshall Athletics Silver

This afternoon saw a team of 21 children take part in the Sportshall Athletics Tournament at Thomas Mills High School. The children initially took part in field events (vertical jump, chest push, foam javelin, standing long jump, speed bounce and standing triple jump) and at the end of those events we found ourselves in 4th place.
Looking to build on this a 'pep' talk was given before the running events of the competition. A simply tremendous display saw us finish highly positioned in the majority of the races. Would it be enough to get into the medal positions? YES! When the points were added up Earl Soham finished in a splendid second (alliteration) place.
Personally I have to say that this wonderful bunch of children, superbly supported from the balcony, thoroughly deserved their stylish medals for their efforts and attitude. Their team ethic was brilliant as every point gained was vital. Thank you. 
Apologies for poor picture quality - the children move too fast!

Tuesday 3 December 2013

More posts from the kids

The Rock and Roll Panto!

On Thursday year 3,4, 5, 6 are going to the wolsey to watch Dick Whittington. Every year we go to watch the Panto. The dame always looks out for Mr Mansell. Is’nt that totally weird!
I love the performances that the Wolsey produce, last year it was ‘Sleeping Beauty’! That was also great!
I cant wait, it is going to be great. I especially like it when the dame throws water on the crowd. The Rock and roll panto is very funny to!

The Princess bride!

On Friday, we saw a movie called the Princess bride. It was about a stable boy who fell in love with a Farmer’s girl. They were split up because he had to work elsewhere. Many years later they were reunited not aware it was really them. Once they discovered who it was they ran away together...            Molly

Friday 29 November 2013

Small Schools' Netball Champions!

This afternoon saw our mixed netball team take part in the small schools' competition at Stradbroke High School. The commitment and effort of the children and coaches clearly paid off with the team winning all six of their matches without conceding! That is a truly remarkable feat - well done.
It was lovely to see their smiling faces on their return - big thanks to everyone involved.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Suffolk Sporting Primary School of the Year - Runners Up

Last night a group of staff from the school attended the Suffolk Sports Awards 2013 held at Trinity Park, Ipswich. Earl Soham were nominated in the final three for 'The Healthy Ambitions Primary School of the Year Award'. The title was awarded to Halifax Primary School (Ipswich) but it is a tremendous achievement for the school to recognised for its efforts in providing such a range of sporting activities and competitions for the children to access. So, whilst slightly disappointed its important to reflect on what an achievement this is, for the 2nd year in succession, for the school. Ultimately, the school is determined to continue in ensuring that its sporting provision enables all children of all ages the opportunities which they deserve.
So, thank you to absolutely everyone in our school community who have supported us in so many ways.

Cross Country Final @ Mellis

Yesterday afternoon seven of our children participated in the next round of the cross country competition. The venue was Mellis Common on what can only be described as a typical autumnal day. Progressing to this stage is an achievement in itself and the children can be rightly proud of their individual performances which, as you can see from the pictures below, were full of a delightful blend of determination and enthusiasm!

Friday 15 November 2013

Children in Need

Today, to raise money for Children in Need, pupils and staff were invited to come to school in their pyjamas and/or wacky hats and spotty clothes. We saw a wonderful array of interesting outfits, including one-derful onesies, weird wigs and glamorous glasses.

The children laid a copper trail around the school, and the school council collected donations. Thank you for all your donations. We will announce the grand total of moneys raised as soon as we have finished counting it all, so check back soon.

Monday 11 November 2013

Earl Soham Remembers

This morning, with the bells of St. Mary's Church still ringing, the whole school gathered on the playground to participate in an act of remembrance. The bells then fell silent as everyone observed two minutes' silence.

They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

During lunchtime, a group of Year 6 children visited the church and then paid their respects by laying remembrance crosses at the village memorial.

Friday 8 November 2013

Happy 40th Birthday Mr Pearce

Today our headteacher, Mr Pearce, celebrated his 40th Birthday. An important milestone year such as this needs to be recognised and he was surprised in this morning's assembly by the gifts of a cake and balloon from the children and a lovely set of cufflinks from the staff.

Happy Birthday Mr Pearce!

Visit from a Feathered Friend

This Wednesday we were joined by a very special visitor from Suffolk Owl Sanctuary, Rascal. We learnt all about the great work that is done to look after owls there and some amazing facts. Did you know, for example, that there are an estimated 100,000 breeding pairs of tawny owls in Britain, compared to just 4,000 pairs of barn owls, yet we hardly ever see them. The barn owl which is crepuscular (active at dawn and dusk) is much more likely to be spotted than its nocturnal relatives.

Thank you to Suffolk Owl Sanctuary for taking the time to come and visit us. 

Monday 4 November 2013

Suffolk Sporting Primary School of the Year Nomination

We were delighted to hear the news earlier today that the school has been shortlisted in the final three for the prestigious 'Healthy Ambitions Suffolk Primary school of the Year Award'.

Their description of our school (based on last year) reads:
Earl Soham Community Primary school started the academic year with 64 pupils on roll. This did not deter them from continuing to provide a wide range of extra curricular activities nor entering many of the School Games competitions. The commitment of staff and parents enabled the pupils to qualify for an unprecedented 5 county finals, the highlights of these being the School Games Festival in Bury St Edmunds where the school finished 5th in the swimming and remained unbeaten in Netball. All children have access to sporting activities with participation levels high in the many after school clubs offered. The whole school sports day continued the ethos of the Olympics with participation and enjoyment working alongside teamwork, respect, determination and commitment. The children’s achievements both within school and outside of the school environment are recognised and celebrated at the schools ‘sharing assembly’ with the parents every Friday morning. What the school has achieved, considering it’s size, is phenomenal. 

A big thank you for the nomination and for everyone's continued support in enabling the children to have the opportunities to take part in so many different sporting activities.
The awards ceremony takes place at Trinity Park, Ipswich, during the evening of Friday 15th November. Fingers crossed!

The Great Storm - guest posts by Bella and Matty, year five

Bad news - A few days ago we were listening to bbc radio 2 and heard that there was a storm dew very soon. Now you may think we always have storms but this was not going to be any ordinary storm though. The weather predictors forecasted it to be like the storm of 1988. That storm brung down trees, made houses sway and even killed people!
This storm was just the same. Trees fell down, houses swayed and people died. At dunwich heath they lost power for a day and the woodland areas were cut of to anybody because the trees had become dangerous. My best friend lost her power for roughly a week! She said one thing that may become a famous quote one day that sentence was “that was the most BORING day of my life!” Anyway the storms over now and everyone in this school is ok.
by Bella

The windy weather.
Since Monday morning there has been a massive storm that has blown over cars and trees and has made a lot of damage in very many villages.
Last night there was another big storm but not as big as the one on Monday . In our field there has been a massive Oak tree that has blown over and broken two big fences on either side of the tree; we had to pull it out with the tractor.

By Matty

Thursday 24 October 2013

Aldeburgh Cinema Trip

This morning, to finish the half term off in style, the whole school ventured to Aldeburgh Cinema to watch 'My Neighbour Totoro'. The film followed the fortunes of two girls (Mei and Satsuki) who moved into a house in the country to be nearer to their mother who was in hospital. Four year old Mei discovers the mysteriously charming Totoro who inhabits the forest and they, along with Satsuki, have many adventures.
For some children this was their first trip to the cinema and it was great to hear so many happy giggles (and rustling of sweet wrappers!) throughout the film. A well deserved treat. Thank you to the PTFA for funding the coaches and we wish you all a very enjoyable week off. See you all on Monday 4th November.

Monday 21 October 2013

Cross Country

It was a rather soggy, wet affair at Framlingham College this morning for the annual Cross Country event, but the children's spirits were not dampened and they all ran an excellent race around the 1.2 mile course. 

Setting off, they were full of smiles. The final approach to the finish line, however, was gruelling and the smiles were replaced by looks of determination and exhaustion. 

Thanks to their efforts a number of our pupils placed in the top 25 and will go on to represent the school in the county finals. Well done to everyone for completing the course!