
Tuesday 3 December 2013

More posts from the kids

The Rock and Roll Panto!

On Thursday year 3,4, 5, 6 are going to the wolsey to watch Dick Whittington. Every year we go to watch the Panto. The dame always looks out for Mr Mansell. Is’nt that totally weird!
I love the performances that the Wolsey produce, last year it was ‘Sleeping Beauty’! That was also great!
I cant wait, it is going to be great. I especially like it when the dame throws water on the crowd. The Rock and roll panto is very funny to!

The Princess bride!

On Friday, we saw a movie called the Princess bride. It was about a stable boy who fell in love with a Farmer’s girl. They were split up because he had to work elsewhere. Many years later they were reunited not aware it was really them. Once they discovered who it was they ran away together...            Molly

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