
Saturday 16 November 2013

Suffolk Sporting Primary School of the Year - Runners Up

Last night a group of staff from the school attended the Suffolk Sports Awards 2013 held at Trinity Park, Ipswich. Earl Soham were nominated in the final three for 'The Healthy Ambitions Primary School of the Year Award'. The title was awarded to Halifax Primary School (Ipswich) but it is a tremendous achievement for the school to recognised for its efforts in providing such a range of sporting activities and competitions for the children to access. So, whilst slightly disappointed its important to reflect on what an achievement this is, for the 2nd year in succession, for the school. Ultimately, the school is determined to continue in ensuring that its sporting provision enables all children of all ages the opportunities which they deserve.
So, thank you to absolutely everyone in our school community who have supported us in so many ways.

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