
Friday 13 November 2015


We started by going off in a mini bus to Stradbroke High School. The first match we played was against St. Botolphs Primary School B and we won 7-2.

After that, our heads were high and our winning streak carried on as we beat Thordon 2-0. It was our toughest match so far and we drew against Bedfield primary school 1-1. After that we were determined and beat Gislingham Primary School 2-0 again. 

Then the results came in and we came 1st in our group, so then we went into the semi-finals against Eye Primary School. Sadly, we lost 2-1, so that meant we played  Bedfield Primary School and we lost 1-0. So in the end we came 4th, which is amazing for such a small school!

Written by two of the team members.

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