
Thursday 4 June 2015

African Adventure Day 4 (Part 1)

One of the most difficult problems we had to solve was getting water to the village. We heard the story of Wesselina, a Malawian woman who has to travel for 3 miles every morning to the nearest well, then carry the dirty water she retrieved from it another three miles back to her home, the water bucket balanced on her head.

We undertook a walk along the cliff path and down onto the beach where we did some scavenging on the tide line.

Our walk was just over one-and-a-half miles, about a quarter of the distance that Wesselina travels daily, but in the hot morning sun, it felt far enough.

Once back at the site, we took some time to relax and prepare for this evening's talent show.

We then experienced what it is like for Wesselina carrying all that water on her head by racing in our teams to fill a barrel. This descended into a free-for-all waterfight in which Mr Mansell, Mrs Johnson and the African Adventure leaders got thoroughly soaked, along with all the children!

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