
Saturday 26 July 2014

Heroes of Troy

In the two days before the last day of term, we held our annual school production. This year, to fit with our school topic on Ancient Greece, we performed the BBC musical Heroes of Troy.

It was received very well by the three audiences who came to watch. In case you didn't get a chance to see it, or, for the children, to see what it looked like from the audience's perspective, please enjoy looking at the photographs. There are some from rehearsals, some from the dress rehearsal and some from the performance, as well as a few behind-the-scenes shots.

Thanks to Simon Garrett for the photos of the performance, and Mrs Exton for the backstage shots!

1 comment:

  1. We had the most wonderful afternoon at Earl Soham School when we went to see their latest musical "Heroes of Troy".
    The children as usual put on a wonderful show.They acted and sang with such enthusiasm and this was transmitted to the audience who clapped, whooped ,and laughed with as much enthusiasm as the children.
    Some of the children will be leaving this lovely school at the end of term and what wonderful memories they will take with them.

    Well done to all the children and I look forward with anticipation to their next production.


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