
Thursday 27 March 2014

How Hill... Up and at 'em!

After a good night's sleep we have awoken to a crisp sunny morning. We've discovered the showers, wet our tooth brushes and have settled down to a spot of weaving, diary writing and games before breakfast.

Last night's evening meal of sausages, mash, peas and baked beans (followed by chocolate pudding) went down incredibly well. This was followed by a night walk down to Toad Cottage and the fresh air seems to revive the children for the rest of the evening! The tuck shop was opened, hot chocolate was made and then it was bed. A while later it was sleep!
With the sun now breaking through the early morning mist we're looking forward to our boat trip along the River Ant to Barton Broad, thatching and owl pellet dissection. Blog you later...

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