
Tuesday 4 March 2014

Hi-5 Netball GOLD!

Earlier this afternoon two teams from Earl Soham took part in the Hi-5 Netball tournament at Thomas Mills High School. The sun shone a brightly as our players which resulted in a 1st and 5th place. 

The winning team were simply majestic, winning all five of their games, scoring in excess of 40 and not conceding once. They were so well drilled, enthusiastic and organised that they were simply a joy to watch. All of the training sessions and hard work by pupils and adults clearly paid dividends.

The team finishing in 5th grew in stature as the afternoon progressed and deservedly won their final match. This team consisted entirely of Year 4 & 5s meaning that the future continues to look bright. They were also fantastic viewing and it was clear how much partaking and competing meant to them.

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