
Monday 30 September 2013

My Day at Framlingham Castle

The following three posts are recounts of our trip last week.

My Day at Framlingham Castle
On Tuesday the 24th of September, green class went to the amazing Framlingham Castle where Kings and Queens used to live. So we had a smashing day going on the wall walk, around the moat, and looking at the Kings and Queens things in the museum but the best thing was going around the wall walk because it had the most butiful sights and you can see for miles. Next, after the wall walk, we went into a museum packed with old stuff like very old shoes that didn't have velcro and a marching band jacket that was in a very old band years and years ago.

by Maddy

My Day at Framlingham Castle

On Tuesday 24th green class went to Framlingham Castle for the morning. My group went on the wall walk we had to go up a spirell staircase. On the wall walk we saw lots of things like the mere and the well. After the wall walk we went to the museum. Our group leader gave us all a worksheet with lots of questions to answer. When we had finished our sheet, we went into the exhibition room to look at the things that were there. The next thing we did was walk around the castle. Finally we had lunch.

by Lucy

Fram Castle

On Tuesday year 3- and above went to Fram castle. One to see the castle and find out some stuff for our leaflets and 2 to do a survey to the public. But I don't like talking to strangers. So lukerly Alice's gran walked by and I asked her and then Jenny cardan walked by and I asked her. What! I was too scared to do it.

By Tamsin

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