
Friday 12 July 2013

Sports Day

Yesterday afternoon, we held our annual sports day. The sun came out for us as parents arrived to join their children for picnics on the school field and at one o'clock the children came together in their colour teams, for the first half of the afternoon: a carousel of field events. They competed at javelin, standing long jump, speed-bounce, netball shooting, hockey shooting, mini-hurdles, and throwing and catching events.

After refreshments at 2:00pm, everyone headed to the rear of the field for our track events: flat races, sack races, egg and spoon and skipping races. While the points were totalled, the children finished the afternoon with a team relay.

Despite fierce competition, the red team took the Mai Castle trophy.

Thanks to Mr Pearce for orgainsing the afternoon and all the adults who supported by running events or coming to watch. It was great to see lots of familiar faces, including Mrs Barker and Mrs Castle, and some ex-pupils with their families.

The slideshow below contains over 450 photos, so make yourself comfortable and enjoy reliving a great afternoon of sport.

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