
Saturday 6 July 2013

School Fete

Today was our annual school fete, and what a day it was! The weather was perfect and pupils past, present and future turned up, eagerly dragging their parents behind them. There were stalls a-plenty run by parents, staff, members of the PTFA and pupils.

It was clear that everyone had spent a lot of time and effort preparing their stalls for the "best dressed stall award" and judging was very difficult. In the end, however, the adults' prize went to the Refreshments stall, which looked like something from the pages of Country Living magazine. The junior prize went to the French portrait artist who had captured the essence of the fete in his poster and taken the 'dressing' part of best-dressed stall personally.

Ever popular was 'Soak the Teacher' with a long queue of people putting their throwing skills to the test with very heavy wet sponges. I wished at times that I hadn't taught them how to throw so well!

Certainly the most popular activity of the afternoon was the water slide, with children queueing half the length of the field to have a go. Thank you to Mrs Barker for returning to man the hose!

A huge thank you must also go to all the members of the PTFA who worked tirelessly to organise, prepare and deliver a fun-packed afternoon. Now comes the job of totting up the takings. Thanks to everyone who put their hands in their pockets and dug deep for our lovely school.

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