
Sunday 21 July 2013

Ice Balloons

On Wednesday of last week the whole school came together to experiment with Ice Balloons. Mr Pearce, Karren and Tracy had prepared the balloons earlier in the week, filling them with water and placing them in the freezer. By Wednesday they were ready to investigate.

Combining Art and Science, the children prodded and probed the ice, using a variety of different materials, including: nails, drills, hacksaws, thermometers, food colouring, salt, bicarbonate of soda, vinegar and a healthy dose of imagination.

They predicted what would happen to the ball of ice before trying each experiment. They looked closely at the results using magnifying glasses and saw what happened to the ice when placed in a tub of water.

Everyone had a huge amount of fun and kept cool on a very hot day! Apologies for the colourful socks and clothing - they were all wearing aprons, but kids will be kids!

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