
Thursday 13 December 2012

Wolsey Studio Trip

This morning children from reception and Year 1 visited the Wolsey Studio to watch the Little Angel Theatre's production of The Magician's Daughter...
The rain won't stop, it's drip, drip, dropping all the time.  Isabella just wants to go out and play but there's a storm raging, and now it is time for bed. Her mother Miranda tells amazing stories of her time on an island, with her father Prospero and the comical creatures Ariel and Caliban.  So, Isabella makes a plan to stop the rain by using Prospero's magic staff … if only she could get to the island and find it…
The children took full part in the show, singing along and responding to prompts - they found Caliban's attempts to pronounce 'Isabella' particularly amusing!. A great show was completed with the opportunity for the children to meet the puppets at the end.

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