
Friday 16 November 2012

Sportshall athletics, 15/11/12

On Thursday 15th November Earl Soham once again entered the Sportshall Athletics event at Thomas Mills with a full complement on the team sheet. Every child in Blue Class that wished to take part did so in some capacity, which was absolutely great to see. The enthusiasm was very loud - both from athletes and supporters alike!
After the first half of the competition - the field events - (though one or two children were confused as to why they weren't held out on the field!)  we appeared to be in third place overall, out of 6 teams. Events included standing long and triple jumps, foam javelin throws, speed bounce, vertical jumps and chest push throws.

The track events soon followed with obstacle relays, hurdles relays and straight sprint relays, and although we didn't win any the children did themselves proud in their sustained efforts. There were some really close finishes in the latter stages.( Sadly the school camera I was using isn't great for action shots!!)
Our overall finishing position was 4th - but ahead of 2 schools larger than we are, which is an achievement in itself.  Congratulations must go to Bedfield who came 3rd, behind the winners and runners- up, again - much larger schools.

                    And there's always our brilliant band of loyal supporters somewhere in the background!
                                                                    Thank you.

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