
Wednesday 27 June 2012

Year 5 Crystal Maze and Orienteering

Earlier today, Year 5 children from the Debenham High School Pyramid met up at Stonham Aspal for a day ouf outdoor activities. Fortunatelly, for this re-arranged event, the weather was kind and the children were all in good spirits.
The morning was spent undertaking a series of team challenges, many of them involving water, to earn as many crystals as possible. Teamwork was the ultimate skill (as well as a b it of thinking) to being successful.
The afternoon was spent orienteering around the school site. The children had to read a map to find letters which were the answers to multiple choice questions at each base. Once all the letters had been found, the letters needed to be sorted into a word which actually exists!

It was great to see children from the six schools working so well together and also behaving exceptionally well.

1 comment:

  1. This was a real highlight simply in the way that it was great to see 6 schools work together so well. Year 5, you were super - a great insight into the oldest children at Earl Soham in September


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