
Tuesday 19 June 2012

Thorpe Woodlands Adventure Day

This morning, year six pupils set out, with their friends from Helmingham and Bedfield, to Thorpe Woodlands, where a day of team challenges and adventurous pursuits awaited them.

After some warm-up games, the children were divided into four groups and each set off to the first of their three activities, which included Team Challenge and Low Ropes, Big Swing, Caving, Climbing and Canoeing.

Highlights of the day for me consisted of:

  • finding out in the team challenge that I needed two other people to balance me on the see-saw;
  • getting wedged in a tunnel whilst caving;
  • and nearly breaking the fan descender (twice).

I have learnt today that:
  • it is important to work as a team;
  • not to go in the smallest tunnels in a cave;
  • it's time to go on a diet!
I consider myself very lucky though, to have spent the day with a great bunch of kids, who threw themselves into the activities (and the river) whole-heartedly. 

One important note for anyone thinking of paying a visit to Thorpe Woodlands: take your lunch in a squirrel-proof bag, as otherwise you will be mugged.


  1. Thank you for a brilliant day and wonderful experience. My daughter has not stopped talking about it (literally not stopped!) since she came home.

  2. Looks (and sounds)like a great day. The weather was clearly very kind and it is lovely to see the three schools joining together for something memorable, again. Thanks to Helmingham for organising this for a fantastic group of children. Mr Pearce

  3. Why didn't we have school trips like that when I was at school, the pictures look amazing & the kids faces are great. We received great reports about the day, thank you to everyone who was involved & I must say Mr Mansell does look rather fetching in an orange boiler suit!


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