
Tuesday 29 May 2012

Olympic Theme Day

When our school council chairman was elected, one of his promises was to hold a special Olympic theme day. With the support of the rest of the school council, today he was able to finally deliver his vision. After a lot of organising (and reorganising) the children all took part in a full day of sporting activities, ranging from ball sports, such as hockey, basketball and football, to track and field events, like high jump, hurdles and sprints.

The children were in year-group teams as they took on the different challenges during the course of the morning.

In the afternoon, all those who had signed up to compete in the four mini-tournaments (hockey, football and basketball shoot-outs, and speed-stacking) set off again, while the remaining children were treated to a gymnastics session, delivered by five of the more experienced gymnasts in Blue Class, under the supervision of Mrs Barker.

It was a mammoth undertaking, but the school council worked tirelessly to make it happen. Thank you to everyone who helped make the day a success. From the wonderful smiles on the children's faces, it was clear they had a fantastic time.


  1. A very big 'well done' and 'thank you' to everyone involved in organising and running today - good to see the School Council worjking together on something for the whole school. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see any 'live' action, but, having just seen all of the photographs, I can see that you all had a great time.
    Mr Pearce

  2. Everyone had a great time - well done to the School Council - same again next year???!!!

    Mrs Johnson

  3. Everyone had a great time - well done to the School Council - same again next year???!!!

    Mrs Johnson

  4. If you do it again next year, can I come back and watch Mrs. Exton doing volleyball with R/Y1 again?

  5. Looks as if all the children had great fun judging by the smiles on the faces, well done to the school council for organising such an event.


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