
Tuesday 6 March 2012

Yellow Class Visit to Cambridge Museum of Classical Archaeology

Despite being apprehensive of the weather yesterday, today dawned kindly and we were able to set off to Cambridge for our postponed museum trip.  On arrival we were met by Jacqui, the Museum's Education Officer, who very quickly inspired the children with her enthusiasm.
She gave us an initial introduction, and was really surprised by the amount of  information the children already knew about the myths and characters in them. The children were then give time to just look, no writing or drawing. We came back together to discuss what they'd found, and again she was impressed by their observations. There followed an activity where the children had to form statues as part of a pediment - the top of a temple. Then some of them imitated some of the statues around them for their friends to guess which one. (Some were much easier to copy than others!)
Next we went off in small groups to look in more detail at some of the themes running through the exhibits, which included Athletes, Fighting, Colour, Gods and Goddesses, and of course the mighty Herakles.
We finished our visit by hearing the story of  Perseus and Medusa and found out why Athena has a Gorgon's head on her breastplate.
After a short walk into town, and lunch, we popped into the Fitzwilliam Museum briefly whilst waiting for the coach, to look at their collection of greek pottery. I think, parents, that many of you may be being asked to take your children back to Cambridge in the holidays as there was so much more to see but no time!
All in all a good day, endorsed by the fact that the museum curator congratulated the children on their enthusiasm, knowledge and understanding of the subject for ones so young. Well done Yellow class!


  1. The children were great, they showed such interest and enthusiasm as they looked around the museum and participated in the activites. Jacqui was a wonderful guide and I think she inspired their interest even more. All in all a lovely day and it was a pleasure to be part of it. Sarah

  2. Well, I want to go back even if they don't! This was a really good day the Fitzwilliam which we didn't really have time in looked fantastic.
    The children behaved really well. There was only a little giggling at the lack of clothing!

  3. I was met with a 'we must go back to Cambridge it was brilliant & we can get in for free'! My daughter had a fantastic day & is still writing a story that involves a school trip to Cambridge where Odysseus joins them. This topic has been so great she has learnt so much in such a fun way. Thank you for all the effort put in to making the learning process so enjoyable.


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