
Wednesday 15 February 2012

Gods' Argument: An animation

The following feature film was produced as part of a homework project during our topic on the Romans. I thought it was a fantastic piece of work and wanted to share it with everyone. Please leave a comment for the Year 5 boy who produced it. I'm sure he will be thrilled to hear what you have to say about his work.


  1. Great work but I had to look away when the head fell off;-)
    Nice camera (lucky you)!. Did you use the free edition of SAM or did you buy it?

    1. We ended up using a neat little package called 'Frame By Frame' for the mac by Philipp Brendel. Very simple and not restricted to 50 frames like SAM. Nice camera was on loan from another project...

  2. Excellent "Monty Python" style exercise. Must have taken ages to prepare and make. Well done!

  3. Absolutely brilliant! Superb animation and production values, and a lot of hard work. And the behind-the-scenes section was fantastic as well. Well done young man. More films please - there could be a BAFTA in your future!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. What an excellent piece of homework! It is brilliant that you have been able to stamp your own indididual 'style' on this. Clearly a great deal of time, thought and effort has gone into this. Very well done, I love it...

  6. Wow! This is fantastic! I am so impressed, very clever, very you and "the making of" is brilliant too. Somebody has been teaching you well but the patience needed to move all those pieces about.

  7. Mrs E .M .Mansell16 February 2012 at 20:02

    I thought this was a very creative piece of work .The time taken to move each piece individually shows your understanding of how animation works.Well thought out for a boy of only 5 years.A possible future in animation awaits you!

  8. That was BRILLIANT we all really enjoyed watching it. Well done it must have taken you ages to do - watch out Steven Spielberg!! Mandy

  9. Wow!!! Well done young man!

  10. Wow that was brilliant very funny as well. I like the behind the scenes bit as it shows you how this amazing animation was created. You should definitely make another animation next time. Don't worry as this film deserves way more 5 stars.

  11. I think it's fantastic, a real inspiration.

  12. Fantastic effort, I think that having a 'Pointless Assistant' really helped, much better than a 'Key Grip'. Mines the OSCAR without a head on it...

  13. Absolutely fantastic - you really have got a true talent and will definitely be a future cartoonist!!! - I will look out for your name on the credits.
    A big well done from Mrs Johnson!!!


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