
Wednesday 14 December 2011

Rock 'n' Roll Panto Trip

This afternoon, children in Year 2 - 6 went to see a fantastic performance of 'Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood' at the Wolsey Theatre in Ipswich. This traditional annual trip to see the Rock 'n' Roll Pantomime was yet again tremendous fun.It was a truly great afternoon with plenty of singing, dancing, innuendo, double entendres, slapstick and laughter.How we cheered brave Robin Hood and booed the nasty (or maybe just misunderstood) Sheriff of Nottingham.
However, the highlight for all connected with Earl Soham was how the pantomime 'dame' (Nelly) took a shine to our very own Mr Mansell - and didn't he just love it!Yet again, the children were a joy to take out and it was great to see them enjoying themselves so much.
Thank you to the PTFA for funding the transport.


  1. My children had a fantastic afternoon watching this Panto & I think they have recreated the whole performance. A big thank you to the staff for booking this and giving up their own time taking the children to the Panto.

  2. Thankyou from this memeber of staff to the PTFA. I'm quite happy to give up some of my afternoon for this! Fantastic performance, good job the children don't get all the jokes!


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