
Wednesday 23 November 2011

Sportshall Athletics

Earlier this evening, Earl Soham finished a highly credible 5th place in the Sportshall Athletics Tournament at Thomas Mill High School. Lining up against many school that were considerably larger in size, Earl Soham children did themselves proud with their refreshing attitude towards the competition. There were smiles all round as the children made the most of the opportunity. I am also delighted to announce that Earl Soham came 1st in the 'noisiest' supporters category! Parents, your support and encouragement was 'top notch'!
Many thanks to Mr Bosley for providing the photos below, mine were rather 'blurred'.

1 comment:

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the children this afternoon, they all looked as if they enjoyed every single minute, have a sore throat now though after all that shouting, is parents would certainly win the prize for the loudest / best supported school.


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