
Friday 4 November 2011

The Gunpowder Plot

On Wednesday, children in Yellow and Blue Classes spent the day learning about the Gunpowder Plot and what and why we celebrate on the 5th November. Children undertook a variety of activities including designing 'Wanted' posters for the plotters who were on the run, designing fireworks, writing anonymous letters to Lord Monteagle, drawing Guys, writing poems through the eyes of Guy Fawkes looking down on the celebrations and creating firework pictures using chalk and glitter.
Children also looked at the historical evidence from the events of 1605 and were rather undecided on what actually happened or what we are led to believe happened...

The Ghost of Guy Fawkes
It was November 5th
Many people were around
Fireworks were popping,
And making a loud sound.

As I sit here on the tower
My ghost remains to see
All the little children
Making dummies just like me.

My name is Guido Fawkes
My friends all called me Guy
My mates all died in torture
Oh why, oh Lord, oh why?

Every year on the same day
They light a fire ‘cause I died
I watch them now light up the sky
Oh lord, I wish I’d never tried.

How I received this punishment
Was because of The Gunpowder Plot
Me and my companions tried to kill the king
In future years this won’t be forgot.

That is the tale of how I died
And now you know my story
So when you are walking around on the 5th
You can tell everybody the history

By Katie and Jasmine

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