
Wednesday 18 May 2011

African Adventure Day 3

As yesterday evening drew to a close, the children learnt what it was like to be unable to see and have to rely on their other senses. They were led blindfolded around an obstacle course and had to pass on instructions to the person behind them to warn them what was coming up.

This was followed by a game of Duplomacy in which the children worked in teams to create a tower of Duplo bricks and had to describe their creations to the communicators, whose job it was to pass on the information to the rest of the team in another room. They then attempted to build the tower from the instructions they received.

Another Winnie the Pooh story ended the day and a group of very tired children headed up to bed.

This morning, the groups set off to different areas of the site to tackle the low ropes course, win their cutlery for dinner in archery (Mr Mansell also bagged a giraffe), and build a temporary shelter to protect them from the elements.

We then headed to the beach for an extended session while the sun was out and did a bit more burying in the stones.

This evening's dinner was a bit different - rather than eating at tables we were seated on the floor around an array of different African flags. Each flag represented a different country and the mealtime customs they have. It was an interesting meal, during which we discovered that eating peas with your hands can be quite tricky!

We are now looking forward to an evening of entertainment in the form of a talent show. I will report back on the success of this tomorrow. 


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