
Tuesday 17 May 2011

African Adventure Day 2

Following our wonderful dinner last night, we all took part in the Big Africa Quiz. Even the staff took part, but despite winning almost every round we seemed to end up in last place. Some very questionable scoring going on there!

We finished the day with a bedtime story and settled down for a good night's sleep.

This morning, due to some contaminated water, the teachers all fell "ill" with Cholera, Typhoid, and Amoebic Dyssentery! The children were set the task of saving the lives of the long-suffering staff by finding the correct medicine.

With this in mind, the groups took part in a trio of activities: cycling to Thorpeness, defusing land mines and building a bridge over crocodile infested waters.

The cycle ride taught us about the hardships of some rural African villagers, whose only mode of transport is often a bicycle: something that we take for granted and usually use purely for exercise. We learnt that in some places a bicycle could be used as an ambulance to enable ill people to get to a doctor more quickly.

The minefield beside the village was cleared to make it safe for the villagers to return.

And the key to the medicine chest, which was thought lost when it fell into the lake, was rescued by some ingenious bridge building.

The teachers' condition worsened shortly before dinner, but thanks to the children's hard work, they were soon restored to full health by some tablets that not only cured the illness, but also left a minty fresh taste in the mouth!

A wonderful dinner followed. We will be setting off for our evening activity soon, so for now this is Dikolo saying "Kwaheri".

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