
Wednesday 15 December 2010

Sing Up Silver Award

We are very proud to announce that the school has achieved the Sing Up Silver Award. The school was granted the award in recognition of the singing that takes place in the school each week and the way in which pupils and the wider community are involved in singing events throughout the year.

Some of the many opportunities to sing have included:

  • Regular weekly singing assemblies;
  • Christmas carol service and choir rehearsals;
  • Singing across the curriculum, e.g. learning songs in French lessons;
  • Music lessons, where singing is at the heart of the lesson;
We are very pleased to have achieved this award and have already begun planning how to achieve the Gold Award.

To achieve this we hope to:
  • Extend the school choir by offering a choir club throughout the year;
  • Encourage parents and the wider community to be more involved with singing;
  • Make time for the whole school to sing together in assembly every day.
Parents and members of the community, if you are a keen singer and would like to get involved, please contact Mr Mansell at or pop in to the school and let him know.

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