
Tuesday 19 October 2010

Candidates for School Council Chairman

In this morning's assembly, eight year six pupils stood in front of the school and read their letter of application for the post of School Council chairman.
Each had good ideas and plans for their term of office and the rest of the school will be faced with a difficult decision when they cast their votes on Thursday morning.

I would like to congratulate each of the candidates on their excellent letters of application, which will be displayed on the School Council notice board.
School Council Chairman Candidates
Unfortunately there can only be one representative elected, but all are worthy candidates.


  1. Good luck to all.

    What process will be used for selecting/electing the Chair?

  2. The candidates have been asked to wear a rosette for the next couple of days, so they can easily be identified around the school. Pupils have been encouraged to ask them questions about their policies.
    On Thursday morning, all pupils will have the chance to vote before 9:00am, by placing a cross beside the name of their chosen candidate on a ballot paper.


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