
Tuesday 9 February 2010

Safer Internet Day

Today saw a range of activities taking place to develop awareness of using the internet safely.
It started with Mr Mansell leading an assembly about different uses of a computer (list being compiled below) and which information was personal, and which wasn't (children below making their decisions a la 'Runaround'!)In Yellow Class, the children used 'Hector's House' as a resource to develop the children's understanding of people not always being who or what they say they are.

They also looked at the different emotions that can be displayed by people at various times and what may cause them.

Finally, they looked at forms of cyberbullying and how important it is to keep our personal information safe so that this cannot be used by others.

In blue class we began the day thinking about what constitutes personal information and what information is safe to share online.

After break we looked at some examples of emails and discussed how we would respond to them. We learnt to recognise spam mail, chain letters and phishing, and talked about how people can use these to obtain personal details such as your bank account number or email addresses of your contacts.

In the afternoon we watched a video about being SMART online. They learnt that to be SMART, you must keep your personal details Safe; You should not Meet up with online friends; Accepting email from people you don't know can be dangerous; People and information you come across online may not always be Reliable; and if something on the internet makes you feel uncomfortable, you should Tell a trusted adult.
The children discussed a range of scenarios and what advice they would give in each situation.
We finished the day by producing posters reminding us of the rules we had learnt.