
Friday 23 October 2009

Leiston Long Shop Trip

Back in September the children in Blue and Yellow classes enjoyed an exciting day at Leiston Long Shop. Children and staff got dressed up in Victorian garb for a hard day's work as boy apprentices at the Long Shop. The day began with a stern talking-to from Mr Garrett, the factory owner, and his staff. The children were divided into groups to take part in a number of different activities, including making casts of parts for a traction engine, a guided tour of the museum, and building a model traction engine.

The day's work was frequently interrupted by visits from Factory Inspectors and members of the Suffragettes, and regular fire drills, where the children were tasked with pumping water from the 150-year-old fire engine.

It was a fantastic day and a memorable experience. We hope you enjoy looking at some of the photographs. Please click on the slideshow to visit our web album and see a larger version.