
Tuesday 3 March 2009

Friendship Day - Wednesday 25th February


'Friendship Day' saw the children involved in a range of activities, working with children from other classes and those they wouldn't normally work with. There was a 'lovely' atmosphere throughout the school with everyone working together and thoroughly enjoying it! A special 'Friendship Lunch' was enjoyed by many of the children.

A competition was held during the week with the children being asked to produce a poster relating to friendship. Originally, there were two main prizes to be given, but such was the tremendous amount of entries and the very high standard, this had to be doubled!

The four main winners (pictured below) received a voucher which entitles them to watch a film of their choice along with a friend and an adult.

Mrs Bowman-Garrett (Chair of Governors) also picked out two other entries which she thought were worthy of special recognition, these both received book tokens.

However, all of the children, yet again, deserve praise for their attitudes towards each other and the effort which they put into the day and their competition entries. WELL DONE!