
Wednesday 29 July 2015

Alice The Musical

If you didn't get a chance to see this year's school production Alice The Musical you can now view it on YouTube.

Sunday 12 July 2015

County Finals at Bury St Edmunds

On Friday children from years five and six represented the school in County Finals for Quadkids and Gymnastics held at Bury St Edmunds. Below you can see them "doing their thing!" Well done to all of you for your hard work and dedication. 

Dance Club

On Wednesday at Dennington Village Hall the school dance club held a joint performance with  Middleton Primary  School. Well done to all the children who took part, and thanks to Mrs Jarvis for all her hard work in organising this event which we hope will become an annual venture.

Monday 6 July 2015

Sports Day

Today's sports day was a great success, with the four colour teams battling hard for the trophy. It began with team huddles, mascots and face-offs...

And we were quickly into our carousel of field events.

After a short break for a glass of squash, it was time to take to the track for the sack race...

...Egg and spoon race...

...and sprints.

Even our youngest competitors got involved!

Finally, the relay race gave the judges time to total up the points.

There can only be one winner, but with just 82 points between first and last place, it was a close-run competition. However, the green team clinched the win this year.

Well done to everyone who took part and thanks to the PTFA for serving drinks and ice-lollies.
I hope you have enjoyed the photo highlights above. If you want to see more, head over to our Picasa Web page to see all 604 photos! (They are still uploading as I publish this, so please give them a little while).

Saturday 4 July 2015

School Fete

We were blessed today with the perfect weather for our annual Summer Fete. The stalls were set with plenty of produce, and staff, parents, friends and pupils (past and present) were on hand to take advantage of all that was on offer. 

The highlight of the afternoon was the Watery Payback activity. Willing members of the PTFA and Mr Mansell sat in the firing line as wet sponges were hurled - with venom! - at their heads.

Of course, the fete would not be complete without the usual fun of the waterslide. The looks on their faces say it all!

A huge thank you to everyone who had a hand in organising the event. It was a great afternoon and I'm sure plenty of money was raised. Keep an eye out for the final figure when the coins have been counted.

Friday 3 July 2015

Sudbourne Print Makers

Today, the Year 6 pupils enjoyed a creative day at Sudbourne Print Makers. They produced a series of prints inspired by the RSPB's work with the Little Tern during the morning, and after lunch, produced self portraits based on photographs taken in school. 

It was a lovely relaxed atmosphere and the children enjoyed letting their creative sides out. 

Thank you to Jenny and Val at Sudbourne Print Makers for an excellent day!

Thursday 2 July 2015

A Day at the Seaside

With the sun shining, we set off today on our long-anticipated day out at Southwold. Organised by the School Council, it was a wonderful way to enjoy our local coastline and spend some quality time together as a whole school. The children were fantastically behaved and had a great time building sandcastles, digging holes and eating their lunches with added crunch!

We must say a huge thank you, firstly to the PTFA, who funded our travel costs, and secondly to the School Council, whose hard work throughout the year meant they were able to buy everyone an ice-cream.

What a lovely day. If you weren't able to join us, I hope you enjoy looking at the photos.