
Saturday 23 May 2015

UNICEF Sponsored Swimathon

This Friday, Blue Class set out for a very special swimming session: our sponsored swimathon in aid of UNICEF. 

We chose as a class to support UNICEF after learning about the plight of children around the world who are taken into a life of forced labour. The class were passionate about this issue and wanted to help take a stand against it. 

We began by writing to our MP, Dr Dan Poulter, who supported our campaign with a letter to the Home Office about child trafficking in the UK. We recently received a response from the Home Office, which will soon be added to our campaign page on the school website. 

The second stage was to plan our sponsored swim to support the work that UNICEF do around the world to help end child labour. We set ourselves the ambitious goal of swimming a total of 13 miles (a half-marathon) as a class. Our swim session was just 40 minutes long and we needed to complete a total of 1040 lengths as a class - an average of 40 lengths per person. I am pleased to report that we achieved our goal, swimming 1078 lengths altogether - that's 13.475 miles!

A big thank you to everyone who has sponsored us. If you didn't get asked for sponsorship and would like to support our cause, please make a donation to UNICEF on our behalf and let us know so we can add your donation to our total. (

We will be collecting in money over the next couple of weeks and will announce the total raised on the blog when it is all collected in. 

Wednesday 13 May 2015

A relaxing afternoon in the sunshine

A relaxing afternoon after a busy morning of tests...

Sunday 10 May 2015

Fundraising Champion

On 11th April, one of the pupils in Yellow Class undertook an incredible journey with her mother to reach the top of the highest mountain in Wales, Mount Snowdon. Despite difficult conditions, with winds of up to 40mph and a temperature of -13 degrees at the summit, both succeeded in their task, raising a fabulous £1000 for the charity Walking with the Wounded.  

We are so proud of her achievements here in school and wanted to highlight her efforts here. 

Congratulations on completing such an amazing task!

Saturday 2 May 2015

Girls' Football Tournament

Nine girls from Years 4,5 and 6 headed to Stonham Aspal on Friday morning to take part in the Girls' Football Tournament. Very well done to all of you for some well-played games.