
Thursday 26 February 2015

Tag Rugby Tournament

On Wednesday afternoon we headed to Thomas Mills to take part in the Tag Rugby Tournament. There were 9 schools taking part in two groups, with Earl Soham entering two teams again this year. Both teams showed themselves to be good sportsmen and acquitted themselves well. The B team came third in their group and the A team joint second in theirs. Though not quite enough to secure a medal place, both teams learnt a lot from the experience and had a good afternoon of sport in the spring sunshine.

Enjoy the photos!

Monday 23 February 2015

Sutton Hoo Visit

Following a relaxing half-term break, we set out this morning, a group of budding archaeologists, to sample the exciting Anglo-Saxon discoveries at Sutton Hoo. The children began by exploring the exhibition room where they saw a replica of the famous helmet, learnt how to write in runes and even got a chance to dress up in costume. 

From there, we went on to examine the burial mound, where we found out about the last resting place of the king of all the Angles, Raedwald. 

After lunch the children got hands on with history, handling a range of artefacts and using their archaeological skills to work out what they might have been used for. 

To round off the day, we let off steam in the adventure playground. It was a fabulous day, with lots of learning and even more fun. Thank you to The National Trust and their super volunteers for opening the site especially for us.  

Friday 6 February 2015

Basketball Tournament Gold

On Thursday afternoon we took two teams to Debenham High School to take part in the Suffolk School Sports Basketball Tournament. We faced three teams from Occold Primary and one from Stonham Aspal. Both our teams aquitted themselves marvellously, with the B team taking the Bronze position and our A team taking home Gold medals to add to their collection.

It was a great afternoon and a pleasure to be able to watch them compete. Well done, all of you!

Enjoy the photos!

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Pop-Up Café

This week the school council's hard work led to their first fundraising event: the Pop-Up Café. Following kind donations of cakes and biscuits from parents, and some diligent baking from pupils during the day, the doors were opened to paying customers, who were invited to take a seat and be served by the year six pupils and members of the PTFA. Drink orders were taken and plates given out. Customers were then asked to make their selection from the mouthwatering mountain of confection in the centre of the hall. It was hard to know what to choose, there being so many delicious-looking options.

The hall was heaving with people, and seats were soon full. A happy buzz spread through the assembled patrons, and money flowed almost as quickly as the tea and pink milk!

After some careful counting it can be revealed that the children raised a magnificent £220. UNICEF and Cancer Research are to be given 10% each of the money raised, with the remainder going towards the painting of the train - one of the chairperson's manifesto pledges. Who says politicians don't keep their promises!

A huge well done to the school council for all their hard work, and a big thank you to the PTFA for supporting them in the organisation and serving of drinks.