
Saturday 26 February 2011

Wake and Shake Competition

In the week before the half-term holidays, two groups of girls went to represent the school at the Wake and Shake competition. They performed their routines, which they had choreographed themselves, in front of the other competitors and joined in with the dances devised by pupils from the other schools. 
Many thanks to Mrs Kendall who printed the T-shirts for this group. 

The older girls came in third place with this performance (repeated here in Friday's assembly). 

Saturday 19 February 2011

Ipswich Town v Hull City

A handful of fans from Earl Soham saw a dull and dreary afternoon lit up by a promising Ipswich Town display. Unfortunately, despite taking the lead through Jason Scotland in the 58th minute, Ipswich were unable to hold on for all three points. With just five minutes left on the clock, Hull equalised with a very neat back-header by substitute Jay Simpson.
Like the weather, the half-time chips were soggy, but overall a fairly entertaining afternoon for the 19, 135 in attendance.
Schools' promotion tickets are next available for the Crystal Palace fixture on Saturday 9th April. It could be time for the masses of Earl Sohamites to witness a victory this season!

Friday 18 February 2011

Basketball Tournament

This afternoon, ten children from Years 5 & 6 represented the school in the annual Basketball Tournament at Stradbroke Business and Enterprise College.

After some close fought and entertaining encounters, Earl Soham finished a highly creditable 4th place out of 9 competing teams. Well done!

Wingfield Barns Art Experience - Day 2

Friday 11th February saw the second meeting of the Debenham High School Pyramid Art Group, following on from their visit last term.

This time the focus was on a variety of printing techniques - with the outcomes shown below. Feedback from staff and pupils suggest a great time was had by all.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Wake & Shake Competition

This afternoon, two groups of children took part in the High Suffolk School Sport Partnership's Wake & Shake competition. The children had choreographed their own routines ready for the challenge ahead.

Wake & Shake is one of the initiatives developed by the Sport Partnership as an effective way of getting all pupils active at any time, any place and any where - as long as there's a DVD player!

The one of the groups from Earl Soham performed to 'They Don't Really Care About Us' by Michael Jackson with the other group performing to the 'Question of Sport' theme.

With over twenty groups on show, both groups from Earl Soham (from Years 4 to 6) performed with style, grace and a bit of oomph!

Well done to all for giving it their best and congratulations to the older girls who were judged to have finished in 3rd place.

Monday 14 February 2011

Valentine's Day

LOVE - A verb or a noun?

For assembly today, children entered the hall to be faced with a table, on top of which were the following: a bottle of champagne, a box of chocolates, a take away pizza, a valentine's card, a single red rose and a pile of dirty washing!

Children were asked to identify the 'odd one out'. At this point, Mr Pearce donned rubber gloves and picked up the dirty washing. The point was, that none of the items were if fact 'odd' - it all depends on whether we see love as a noun or a verb. After all, it would have to be someone who loved you to stick that smelly pile of washing in the machine!
The discussion was that it can be quite easy to say, "I love you," but difficult to sometimes show it. However, after some time for thought, we all agreed that love is fairly easy to show in all the things we do every day, and not just on Valentine's Day! We can be kind, polite, help others, share, take turns, be good friends and generally do the 'right' thing - these are ways that we can show our 'love' for one another.

Photosynthesis Podcast

We have been learning about photosynthesis in Blue Class. This podcast was produced for homework by one of my Year 4 pupils. He has done an excellent job and I am proud to share it with you. Please take a few minutes to listen to his explanation.

Saturday 12 February 2011

Friday 4 February 2011

Properties of 3D shape

In Blue Class this week we have been learning about the properties of 3D shapes. A group of children were set the task of making a short film about a shape to explain its properties. While not all of them got it exactly right, they clearly understood most of the properties. Here are some of their films.

Wednesday 2 February 2011


Children in Years 2 - 6 had a fantastic time at the traditional Rock 'n' Roll Pantomime at the Wolsey theatre this afternoon. The story of 'Jack and the Beanstalk' was superbly adapted to a signing and dancing spectacular enlivened further by a plentiful supply of slapstick and stage magic. Oh no it wasn't. Oh yes it was (repeat until hoarse)...
Although not at the traditional time of our annual visit, this really was worth waiting for, with all children (and staff) having a great time. To be honest, it was a pleasure.

Many thanks to the PTFA for funding transport costs.