
Monday 31 January 2011

Bring and Buy Sale

Earlier this afternoon, the School Council organised 'Bring and Buy' sale was held. The School Council decided that they would like to support the 'Treehouse' Appeal which is aiming to raise £3million to build a new children's hospice in Ipswich.
The children's efforts saw a tremendous total of approximately £160 raised when added to the recent income from the 'Come as you Please' day.
A very big, and grateful, well done to all of you involved.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Sports Hall Athletics Final - Tuesday 18th January

Congratulations to all the children who took part in the athletics competition this afternoon. Despite a depleted team due to illness everyone rallied round and tried their hardest against very stiff competition from the other qualifying schools. Yes, there were two Middle Schools represented, but they were only allowed to enter Year 5 and 6 children (what do they feed the children on in Bungay and Halesworth to make them so tall?!) .
The photos here (sorry I didn't catch everyone - you were too quick!) I hope give a flavour of the activities and the enthusiasm with which we competed. We were the smallest school represented - and I couldn't have asked any more of them, especially the subs that stepped in at the last minute this morning.
Congratulations also to Laxfield Primary - the eventual winners.

Sunday 16 January 2011

Bread Making

In Blue Class, over the past two weeks, we have been designing and producing our own bread. We began with some market research, visiting the Kingsmill, Hovis and Warburtons websites to view their product range. The children then used their findings to design their own loaf. We watched the TV adverts of the big three bread companies and discussed their slogans and brand identities, and the children all decided on a company name and slogan of their own.

We learnt how to write a good recipe by studying a Delia Smith recipe in our literacy lessons and then put pen to paper to write our own.

Meanwhile, each group made their first loaf using the recipes they had written and carried out a taste test. They thought carefully about the taste, texture, smell and appearance of their bread, and produced a paragraph of persuasive description to go on their packaging.

The groups also designed and produced a TV advert to sell their product. Here are a sample of their advertisements. We hope you enjoy watching them.

News from the Parish Council

Earl Soham Parish Council have asked me to make you aware of the village's new website (, where you can keep up with news from around the village, find out about the history of Earl Soham and find contact details for the councillors.

The website is still in development and comments and suggestions from visitors to the site are most welcome. Please contact me at if you have any village news you wish to share or comments about the site.

New village website -
I have also been asked to post the following notice regarding play facilities in the village. The Parish Council would be keen to hear from anyone with an interest in this by 28th February.


The Parish Council have been looking for some time at providing a play area for children. It has been found that costs will be in excess of £15,000 for modest equipment. If you have children who would wish to have such a venue please contact the Clerk

01728 746012

by February 28th please

Monday 3 January 2011

First Day of Term - Wednesday 5th January 2011

A brief reminder that children return to school on Wednesday 5th January.