
Saturday 28 August 2010

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We love to let you know about the many and varied activities that go on in school, and that's why we want to make it even easier for you to get the information we post here.

With everything that you have to do as a parent, it is easy to forget to check here every week, but did you know you can get our blog posts delivered directly to you? There are two ways of doing this:

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Please subscribe to our posts so you don't miss any of the exciting things that happen, and keep up with any last-minute notices.

Sunday 22 August 2010

Start of Autumn Term 2010

Just a short reminder that children return to/start school on Monday 6th September.
Wednesday 1st, Thursday 2nd & Friday 3rd September are all Professional Development days for staff. The school office will be open during these dates should you require any information.
We hope that you are all continuing to enjoy your holiday!

Sunday 1 August 2010

Goodbye Year Six

It is with a heavy heart that we say goodbye to our year sixes. I'm sure they will all go on to great things. It has been a pleasure to teach you all. Best wishes for high school.

Road Safety Officers Get Up-to-Speed With Safety Cameras

At the end of term, our two Road Safety Officers took to the road with the traffic police to help prevent speeding and improve the safety of our local roads. They had an opportunity to use a hand-held speed camera on the A1120 beside the school.

Their presence seemed to have the desired effect as all the motorists they observed kept carefully to the speed limit. Great job, boys!

Open Evening

On Monday 19th July we held the first Earl Soham School Open Evening. There was a wide range of singing and dancing, gymnastics and yoga displays and instrumental performances from individuals and small groups. These performances saw every child in the school participate during a 'rolling' programme in front of an ever-changing audience.

In the classrooms there was plenty of work on show. This covered so many of the areas which the children have learnt about which enabled parents to look and see what children throughout the school had done over the course of the last year.

The evening was a great success, with parents, grandparents and ex-pupils among those enjoying an evening of great variety. Here are some of the highlights.