
Tuesday 27 July 2010

School Sports Partnership Awards

On Thursday morning, Vicky Sandall, our School Sports Partnership leader came to assembly to present sports awards.

The following children were presented with an award. Well done to all of you.

And for those of you who didn't win an award this year, keep up the hard work - there's always next year!

Sports Day

Our sports day took place on the afternoon of Thursday 15th July. Despite the high winds, we battled through and everyone had a great time.

The afternoon began with a carousel of activities, including javelin, penalty kick and netball shooting, to name but a few. After a refreshment break came the races, beginning with the statutory sack race, followed shortly by the egg and spoon, then the flat races. The afternoon was concluded by a whole-school relay, while points were added up.

The scores were close, with just 80 points (out of approximately 1300) between 1st and 4th, but the Red team were once again victorious.

A selection of photographs can be seen below. Click the slideshow to view the online album and see larger copies of the images.

Saturday 17 July 2010

Cross Country Success - Again!

On the rather blustery summer's evening of Friday 16th July, 6 qualifiers from Earl Soham took part in the area cross country finals for girls and boys in year 3 & 4 and 5 & 6.
Boundary Farm, Framsden, was yet again the superb setting for the athletic climax of the current academic year.

Having provided the winner in last year's year 5 & 6 girls race, hopes were again high.

Yet again, a girl from Earl Soham was victorious in year 5 & 6 girls race.

As well as this, the other children did superbly well (with some notable performances) and can challenge themselves to do even better next year!

Thursday 15 July 2010

Yellow Class visit Sutton Hoo.

On a not so sunny Wednesday - July 14th - Yellow Class set off with great excitement to visit Sutton Hoo and Tranmer House - the former home of Mrs Edith Pretty. Mrs Pretty had already paid two visits to visit Yellow Class to ask for their help to publicise her treasure finds.

During the day the children were Exhibition Explorers, Archaeologists and 'Mound- taineers' , and here is a taster of what they got up to.

If you'd like to see more, visit Yellow Class during Open Evening on Monday 19th July.

Saturday 10 July 2010

School Fete

The weather was hot, the barbecue was sizzling, and money rolled in. This year's school fete was a great success, with plenty of fun and laughter, lots of cakes and fresh-fruit smoothies and even doughnuts on a string. Life doesn't get any better!
The adults soaked up the sun and topped up their tans, while the children enjoyed throwing wet sponges at Mr Pearce and Mr Mansell, and sliding for all their worth along the ever-popular water slide. 

Everyone had a great day and early estimates suggest a total of approximately £1000 was raised. Watch this space for an exact figure once all the money has been officially counted.

Thanks to all the members of the PTFA who organised stalls and helped on the day. 

Enjoy the photos.

Friday 9 July 2010

Melton Football Tournament

Our gallant team took part in the Melton Football Tournament on Friday evening for the first ever time. Faced with some tough fixtures against much bigger schools, Earl soham remained unbeaten in their four group games, narrowly missing out on a semi-final appearance. On the hottest day of the year and against such opposition, this was a highly creditable performance.

We also excelled at reaching the summit of the climbing tower, eating burgers and winning prizes on the Tombola!

Year 4 Multisports Afternoon

On Monday 5th July the Year 4 children participated in a multi-sports festival at Debenham High School with several other local schools. They went round in groups consisting of children from each school, trying their hand at Speed stacking, orienteering, tchoukball, hockey and basketball.

Teddy Bears' Picnic & Punch and Judy

Yesterday saw the last of the induction afternoons for our new Reception intake for September. The current members of Red Class had spent time organising and preparing food for the picnic. new and current children then joined one-another on the field for a fantastic feast.

Later, they were joined by Yellow Class (who have been studying puppet shows and scripts in Literacy) to watch a fantastic Punch and Judy show. The children roared with laughter, booed their loudest and screamed with glee - it was a truly fantastic afternoon.


Red Class Visit Woodbridge

As part of their project on water, Red Class visited Woodbridge where they observed the comings and goings near the River Deben.

The children watched how the tide affected the water level. They also made some paper boats and sailed them on the boating lake. As well as this, they looked at the tide mill, made some sketches and observed a vast variety of wildlife.
The children had a great day and were absolutely super!

Wednesday 7 July 2010

Year 6 Suffolk Young Cyclists' Training

For three mornings this week, all Year 6 children took part in 'Suffolk Young Cyclists Training'. The training began on the playground with basis cycling skills . This was then followed by learning a safe start and stop and ensuring that the 'lifesaver' look was perfected.
Once this had been achieved, the children moved on to practicing right and left hand turns.
Day 3 saw the final on road assessments where children were required to undertake a left hand turn, right hand turn and overtake a parked car. The children learnt a great deal about road safety and awareness and all should be proud of their participation and achievements.

Thursday 1 July 2010

National Sport Week

Members of the Monday after school Dance club "kicked off"National Sport Week with a "Spot the Sport" themed dance, which they choreographed with the help of Mrs Jarvis.
The children have enjoyed taster sessions(outside due to the glorious weather) in Badminton (oops where's my shuttlecock gone?!) as well as basketball, high jump,hurdles, volleyball and table tennis.
It was a brilliant week, enabling everyone to take part in a range of different activities - and not a football in sight...

Under 11 Quadkids Athletics

On yet another glorious summer's afternoon, 8 athletes (4 boys & 4 girls) ventured west to Hartismere High School for the 'Quadkids' athletics afternoon.
All of the children took part in four events. The 600 metres, 70 metres, 'Vortex' throw and standing long jump.

The event was based around individual performances scoring points which then went towards a team total. Great commitment from all involved saw Earl Soham finish 3rd in the team contest.

It all finished off with a shuttle relay involving all 8 children - Earl Soham ran superbly to finish second.