
Wednesday 23 June 2010

Year 5 & 6 Athletics

This morning, a number of Year 5 & 6 children took part in a range of events at Debenham High School. A total of eight primary schools were represented during a fantastic occasion on a beautiful day.
Congratulations to all children who tried their hardest, yet competed with smiles on their faces and in the utmost sportsmanlike way.

The following successes were achieved by Earl Soham pupils:
2 x GOLD (Year 6 Girls Speed Hop and Year 5/6 Girls 600metres)
2 x SILVER (Year 6 Girls Speed Bounce and Year 5 Girls Shot Putt)
5 x BRONZE (Year 5 Girls Speed Bounce, Year 6 Girls Sprint, Year 5 Boys Quoit Throw, Year 6 Boys Shot Putt and Year 5 Girls Standing Long Jump)

And everyone tried their hardest... WELL DONE!

Yellow Class Visit to Minsmere

Yellow class recently visited Minsmere Nature Reserve as part of their 'Habitats' topics. Whilst they were there, the children saw a wide range of flora and fauna - some of which were rather rare, such as a bittern.

The children took part in pond-dipping, finding bloodworms, great diving beetle larvae, pond snails, caddis fly larvae, waterboatmen and pondskaters.
They also visited West Hide which enabled them to see a range of wading and sea birds including avocets.

During the woodland activity, children hunted for minibeasts and finally they visited Bittern Hide where some were fortunate to a bittern and also marsh harriers. A beautiful grey heron was also seen close up. Just as we were leaving, we were lucky enough to see three fantastic deer.

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Dance Mats

There's a fantastic new after-school club on Thursdays.
Electronic dance mats are linked up to the big screen with sequences for the children to follow. The children then have their percentage scores revealed based on how many of the moves they made correctly. It's a fantastic way of keping fit, imoprove co-ordination and HAVE FUN!

African Dance Day

To coincide with the start of the World Cup and the Year 6 work on 'Water for Africa', the whole school were involved in a day of African dance activities superbly led by Mrs Bev Jarvis.

Each class were taught some elements of African dance which have had a great influence on the modern dances of today across the world.

Red Class had the theme of the 'Dawning of a New Day' followed by being 'Hunter Gatherers'.
Yellow Class used the theme of 'Greetings' as a stimulus.
Blue Class followed the ideas of 'Tribal Celebrations'.

Monday 21 June 2010

Crucial Crew

At the beginning of last week, year six pupils visited the East Anglian Museum of Rural Life, Stowmarket, where the annual Crucial Crew event was held. They learnt about how to keep themselves safe in different situations, including:
- how to wash their hands properly;
- how to stay safe around electricity;
- how to make a 999 (or 112) call;
and much more.

Everyone had a good time and learnt a lot.

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