
Monday 28 September 2009


Last week we looked at CONSEQUENCES in our school assemblies. It all started with a simple game of Jenga between two children.

As the game started to develop, every single move had a possible consequence.

The game developed nicely, until...

How did this happen? Quite simply, the Headteacher didn't think about not looking where he was going whilst talking to the rest of the school! RESULT - game spoilt, two unhappy children, one embarrassed Headteacher and a pile of wooden bricks to re-assemble!

The key message was that all of our actions have a consequence and it is important that we think of others whilst going about our day-to-day activities.

We also looked at the following quotes:

‘In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments; there are consequences.' Robert Green Ingersoll

‘While we are free to choose our actions, we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions.’ Stephen R. Covey

‘Nobody ever did, or ever will, escape the consequences of his choices.’ Alfred A. Montapert

Sunday 27 September 2009

Blue Class News Reports

This week in Blue Class we have been producing TV news reports. The children were shown a video about The World's Tallest Man, without sound, and were asked to write and perform the voice-over in the style of a TV News report. Mr Mansell recorded them and put them together with the video. Here is one of the resulting videos. The other videos can be viewed by logging in to the cLc and browsing to Blue Class > Resources > Your Work.

With thanks to BBC News 24 for the theme music and CNN and Guiness World Records for the video.

Thursday 24 September 2009

Thomas Mills Liaison Day

On Monday 21st September, children in years 5 and 6 visited Thomas Mills High School for a day of DT, Science and English. They were given the task of designing a car to break the world Land Speed Record. In the morning they worked in the DT room to make their prototype car, then moved onto the science lab, where they tested it using ramps and a wind tunnel.
In the afternoon they worked in the English department to write a speech and prepare a presentation persuading people to give them sponsorship for their record attempt.

Here is a short slideshow showing some of the highlights of the day.

Monday 14 September 2009

Presentation of Books

In assembly this morning the school was presented with a set of books by the National Association of Decorative & Fine Art Societies, represented by Mrs Pamela Pinner.

The books are all written by James Mayhew and tell of the adventures that a little girl named Katie has when she visits an art gallery and has many adventures INSIDE famous paintings whilst her Grandma sleeps!

We look forward to reading them and maybe writing our own versions...

Let's Write!

We're really moving forward on developing writing throughout the school this year. Children were greeted on their return after the summer break by a number of writing tasks on the walls in the hall (some examples below) to get them writing whilst waiting for lunch....
We've also introduced a 'Writer of the Week' for each of the three classes. There is a separate section on the school website with more pictures and pupils' writing. Our first three 'winners' work is pictured below (click on the pictures and they will fill the screen) on the new display area. Their work is enlarged and commented on as to why it was chosen, their photo taken and a new certificate awarded - 'Writer of the Week' badges are on order!
The important part is now getting the children to develop a 'love' for writing in all parts of the curriculum. Today saw lots of written ideas in a Blue Class science lesson on materials which are bio-degradable...

Write on!!!

Thursday 3 September 2009

First Day of the Year

The children were met with a rather wet and blustery day to start the new school year.
The pencils had been sharpened, displays renewed, new books ordered, hair cut and shoes polished - the staff were ready!
Eager children turned up, excited yet anxious - let's build a great school this year...

It started slowly...

Gradually, something started to develop...
And what did it all result in?
Let's work together really well for the rest of the year to build an excellent school full of happy, polite and hard-working children that can learn so much.

And then they got on with it! Considering the wind, rain and the power cut which lasted all afternoon, the foundations from today are really strong.