
Monday 22 June 2009


From 1.15pm - 2.15pm, the whole school went about its daily routine WITHOUT POWER! Based on a suggestion by the School Eco-Team, everything was switched off.

The computers...

The photocopier...

The interactive white boards...

The lights...

And even Mr Pearce's stereo!

And do you know what happened? Nothing! All the children had a great time singing, orienteering and doing nature studies. It certainly made all of us think.
Many thanks to Mrs Exton and her Eco-Team for putting forward such a great idea.

Wednesday 10 June 2009

Cross Country Finals

Wednesday 10th June, 2009 - 5pm - Framsden - The FINALS!
Earl Soham children had performed extremely well in the qualifier, with four girls making it through to the final race itself.

Looking very calm and relaxed before the start.
And they're off...

On the run in to victory!

Keep going, young lady!

At the end of the race, all four having strained every sinew in their bodies, yet again, they had done themselves proud.
And for young Freya, the added bonus of having won the overall girls' race. Get in!

Girls, you were ALL absolutely brilliant.

Saturday 6 June 2009

Suffolk Young Cyclists' Training

The week beginning 1st June saw the eight Year 6 children take part in the Suffolk Young Cyclists' Training Scheme (formerly known as Cycling Proficiency).

The children had previously had their bikes checked by Jeanette Bloodworth ( Assistant Road Safety Officer) and spent the first morning refining their skills on the playground.

The next two mornings were spent on the roads near the village green practising general road awareness, safe starts and stops, left and right turns and overtaking parked cars.

It was great to see the confidence of the children increase as the course progressed. As part of the week, all children were required to work through a 'Cycling Workbook' to enable them to complete the whole course.

Wednesday 3 June 2009

School Travel Plan Competition

A competition was held to see who could design some new signs for our car park area to remind everyone who visits the school of the need to be safe and careful. This formed a part of our School Travel Plan which we continue to work on to improve the safety of all people travelling to our school.

A number of entries were received and were judged by the owner of our large car park, Mr Bruce Hinton. He was very impressed with the standard of entries and finally decided on the
following two designs which will now be made into signs and erected in the car park area. Well done to everyone who took part and particularly our two chosen winners.