
Thursday 26 February 2009

Spring is Upon Us

It seems that Spring is finally upon us. The area around the school car park is abundant in snow drops, and buds are appearing on trees and bushes around the school. Now all we need is some sun...

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Saturday 7 February 2009

School Sports Partnership

Each class had a session with a PE expert form the School Sports Partnership on Tuesday last week. They worked on fundamental skills, including coordinating arms and leg. They learnt the 'hip to lip' technique for moving their arms and used the horizontal ladders to practise sequences of steps.

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Police Liason Visit

Pupils in Blue Class were visited by PC Kevin Stephenson, the Police Liason officer, last Tuesday. He came to talk to the children about bullying, which is part of our ongoing PSHE unit this term.

The children discussed what bullying is, and what they could do about it if they, or someone they knew, was ever bullied. They watched a short video about a young girl who was being bullied and thought about what they would have done in her situation.

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Friday 6 February 2009

Spanish Club - Get Down!!!

Friday after school is time for Spanish Club. Led by tutor, Mrs Page, the children have a great time as shown!

Me parece que están teniendo diversión. (Looks to me like they're having fun).

Tuesday 3 February 2009

What a Difference a Day Makes...

Brrrr. Just when we all thought that winter was on its way out...
Children were greeted with a good covering of snow on Monday morning and this time it was quality snow! Rosy cheeks and chilly hands aplenty, the children made the most of the school field making 'balls' of substantial sizes.

Tuesday afternoon and this was the sight on the school field - slightly different to 24 hours earlier!